Changes in the seventh month of pregnancy

Pregnancy sleep problems appear

In the seventh month of pregnancy, the mother-to-be can have problems because of the weight of the baby, such as fluid retention and swelling of the legs and ankles. This is the time to go to maternity and labour preparation classes to find out how to cope with the postpartum period

Changes in the mother

Sleep problems may begin due to hormonal changes and foetal movements which may even be painful in certain positions. This is why insomnia can occur more often. The most suitable position for sleeping during pregnancy is on the side, preferably the left.

Séptimo mes de embarazo

Physical changes

  • The uterus is already about 10 cm above the belly button. The pressure of the womb on the pubic region encourages the appearance of vulvar varicose veins. Normal weight gain is about 9-10 kg, so it’s normal to have some swelling in the ankles at the end of the day, especially as venous return is also affected.
  • Pregnant women may suffer from slight hair loss, which is recovered after birth. They can also experience an increase in hair on the face, arms, legs, back and above the pubis. Your nails can also grow much faster and they can be more fragile. Stretch marks can be very noticeable, especially on the abdomen, thighs and breasts.
  • It’s the ideal time to start antenatal classes.

    Psychological changes

    • By the third trimester, labour feels closer. This can trigger anxiety about the birth and the ability to cope with caring for a new-born baby.

    • Attending antenatal courses will help you control this anxiety and help your partner get ready too. You will learn about breathing techniques, how to manage pain, vaginal and caesarean birth, as well as other topics, such as the puerperium.

    Changes in the baby in the seventh month of pregnancy

    • The foetus weighs about 1,600 g and is around 40 cm long.
    • It has very active senses, is able to recognise its mother's voice and responds to it.
    • The neonatal brain develops very quickly, and the mapping of lines and convolutions (folds) begins to form, preparing it for proper human intellectual development.
    • The muscles and lungs develop rapidly until they are fully formed.

    From week 30 onwards, the baby’s growth will not be as fast as in previous weeks. The diameter of the head, where eyelashes and eyebrows appear, is still greater than that of the abdomen. At this point in the pregnancy, most foetuses already tend to have their heads down, in what is known as the cephalic position.

    Dr. Miguel Ángel Herráiz
    Head of the Gynaecology Service of Hospital Clínico San Carlos (Madrid)